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By calling AgricultSURE, you can support small-scale farming and help promote communal food security for a better tomorrow.

066 103 8716

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Visit AgricultSURE today to discover innovative solutions that can help create food security and maximize your yields.

410 Rigel Avenue, Pretoria

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AgricultSURE on Niche Farmers

AgricultSURE, a South African small-scale farmer developer, joined forces with Laeveld Agrochem for the popular televised Niche Farmers series. Airing since August 2022, the series showcases local up-and-coming farmers using innovative methods for food production. It features diverse farming enterprises, from hydroponic rooftops to greenhouses, highlighting the entrepreneurial spirit of South African farmers.

AgricultSURE and Laeveld Agrochem hope that Niche Farmers will inspire others to start their agri-businesses, promoting a wide range of food production opportunities for universal food security in the country and region. The series also emphasizes the significance of commercial farming and creating jobs in the agricultural industry. AgricultSURE collaborates with small-scale farmers and community gardening projects to implement sustainable projects across the region.